Federation Cup 2021 – Barcelona

The 8th edition of the Champions League and Federation Cup of the Federació de Futbol
Botons de Catalunya (FFBC) co-organized by Barcelona Futbol Botons Associació
(BFBA) and Associació Catalana de Futbol Botons (ACFB) will be held on 2nd of october 2021 in the Joan Miró Park in Barcelona.
Due to COVID-19 we will put all our efforts in giving the greatest security to the participants. We
will make available to all participants masks, gloves and hydro-alcoholic gel, and we will follow all
the recommendations of the health authorities so that we can enjoy a day in maximum safety.
We have the support and authorization of the Barcelona City Council and the Left District of the
Eixample for this event, and we will keep you informed of any news about this issue.
We want to invite you to participate and, after the holidays, make the first great match of the
football buttons, with passion, competitiveness and joy.
Each of the associations must inform the organization before September 23th which are the
players chosen to compete in each of these competitions and also from other players who, outside
the places designated by each of the associations, are interested in participating.
For the two competitions the format chosen is the called Classic League (2 buttons of 2.5 cm,
diameter, 3 buttons of 3 cm, diameter, 3 buttons of 3.5 cm, diameter, 2 buttons of 4 cm
diameter). Maximum height 1 cm.
The regulation of both tournaments will be the official one of the Federació de Futbol Botons de
Catalunya (FFBC) in the version with “Neutral Zone”
There will be a fellowship lunch for all the participants and companions, it will be in a restaurant
very close to the place where the championships will be played.
As a novelty, the players who after the First Phase of the Champions League (Tomorrow) do not
qualify for the Final Phase (Afternoon) will play a new competition called Recopa. In the same way,
the players who after the first phase of the Federation Cup (Tomorrow) do not qualify for the Final
Phase (Afternoon) will play a new competition called the Joan Miró Cup.
The delivery of trophies will be made some political authority as it has been in the last editions, for
this reason the participation in the tournaments implies the commitment of each of the
participants to stay in the tournament space until the delivery of trophies and there will be a token
for all the participants.
The price of the tournaments will be 10 euros for adults and 5 euros for boys / girls under 18.
We hope that this call encourages you to participate, in some competitions that have already
become a classic of the world of soccer buttons and a meeting point for friends who love soccer