Brazil 5th time 12 Touch Team World Champion

Brazil won the 5th Team World Championship. in 12 Touch category In the Final 4 they win against Hungary, Romania and Portugal. Brazil again show to the world that they are the king of the 12 Touch category.
Brazilian World Champion Team members: Michllin, Viktor Herman, Thiago Lima, Quinho, Jefferson Genta, Diney, Muratian, Marcus Vinicius.
Second place – Portugal: Rodrigo Barbosa, Rodrigo Moro, Leo G., Roger Ferecin, Pollino, Edu Santos, Rafael Santos
Third place – Hungary: Nándor kovács, Levente Kiss, Péter Matkó, János Koczor, gábro Farkas jr., Imre Horvát, Gábor Kondor.